Saturday, March 13, 2010

How Many Out of Town Organizers Does it Take to Screw Over a Local?

So... on Thursday, March 11th, UNITE HERE had a rally.

They brought fresh pressed laminated signs

Plenty of bullhorns

and flew in the best organizers from across... and we mean across the country.

Over twenty (we are still calculating the exact total...and names are coming baby!) OUT OF TOWN organizers were here for the march.

So where did they march?

Aramark at the Mellon?

The Hilton?

Levy at the Convention Center?



really? really? really, UNITE HERE... really???

"Lets pour a bunch of resources into fighting another union, that's a brilliant plan. How should we pay for this, UNITE HERE?

Healthcare fund?

Strike fund?

Local membership dues???

F O U L!!!

What about all the SEIU workers downtown that have nothing to do with John Wilhelm's revenge war?

Our security guards, custodians, ushers, nurses...

You knuckleheads are so blind; driven by ONE MANS NATIONAL AGENDA, and you don't even know it.

Who is really doing the raiding, HERE?